Stone assistance
Stone Assistance sprl has been created by Doctorate and Engineer Fabrice DAGRAIN in order to valorise 20 years of research and development activities for the Stone Industry and Geomaterials Engineering.
Stone Assistance works since many years on the improvement of the sawing techniques in quarry with chain saw machines.
A rigorous scientific approach has been developed in order to increase the profitability of the process and to make it more competitive in comparison to other techniques.
The company has developed its own methodology to evaluate the cutting efficiency and the wear resistance of different types of tools used in Stone Industry and for instance:
- Tungsten carbide tools
- PDC tools
- Impregnated segments
This methodology is based on the tests performed in laboratory.
The testing results allow identifying the optimal settings to impose on the tools and to advice the operators on the technological parameters to set on the machines.
The understanding of the cutting mechanisms based on a single tool is essential for a correct interpretation of the cutting processes encountered on chain saw machines. The integration of the mechanisms to a complex sawing process allows detecting the mechanical problems before they occur.
The rigorous scientific approach developed by Stone Assistance is based on experimental studies in laboratory coupled to machine monitoring in quarry. The approach has been validated for the development of a new cutting design for chain saw machines.
Stone Assistance has also developed a cost evaluation program that estimates the real costs of the sawing operations with chain saw machines. The program integrates the results of the tests performed in laboratory, the technological parameters and the most important costs parameters in order to give to engineers objective criteria to choose the cutting tools.
About equipments, Stone Assistance has various testing benches, experimental prototypes that have been developed for particular applications. They allow to determine the performances and the efficiency of cutting and drilling tools, and to measure several mechanical properties of the stones. These testing devices are unique.
Thus Stone Assistance guarantees tools with high quality for chain saw machines, from the test to the manufacturing, all of this with monitoring.
Stone Assistance sprl
+32 (0)494 89 32 51
Clos des Botteresses 4
B-4317 Viemme